As you have Downloaded and Installed Bluestacks Emulator, from Link which is provided above. Now, After the installation, configure it and add your Google account. Once everything is done, just open the Market(Play Store) and Search for the Mp3 Music Downloader PRO. Tip: If you add, delete, or move a cross-referenced footnote or endnote, you must update the cross-reference number. Word updates cross-references automatically when you print.To quickly add a footnote or endnote, on the Document Elements tab, under Citations, click Footnote or Endnote.Edit the text in a footnote or endnote.On the View menu, click Print Layout.In your document, double-click the note reference mark.Word automatically scrolls to the footnote or endnote.Make the changes that you want. Shortcuton mac for microsoft word footnotes.

The source information stored in the Citations tool or Source Manager can be used to create citations, a list of works cited, or a bibliography. Hold down CONTROL, click the cross-reference number, and then click Update Field on the shortcut menu. Tips.If you add, delete, or move a cross-referenced footnote or endnote, you must update the cross-reference number. Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2016 incl Activator Full Version Microsoft Office PRO 2016 Plus: Office 2016 for windows is powered by the cloud so you can access your documents anytime, anywhere, and on any device. The new apps offer full retina display support with thousands of retina-optimized graphics, full screen view for native immersive experiences, and even little windows.

Unmistakably its Office but thoughtfully designed to take advantage of the unique features of the windows. Microsoft Office PRO 2016 Plus: Office 2016 for windows is powered by the cloud so you can access your documents anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2016 incl Activator Full Version.